Sowing grain in Russia in 2022
In 2022, agricultural crops in Russia will be sown on 81.2 million hectares, which is 1.3 million hectares more than this year. In 2021, the sown area amounted to 79.9 million hectares, which is 0.3% more than in 2019. In particular, the sowing of spring grains, sugar beets, buckwheat, soybeans and potatoes will expand next year, the ministry expects. Specific parameters of area growth for each crop are not specified.
A representative of the analytical company ProZerno said that next year there will definitely be more soybean crops. “In 2021, an increase in area by 6.6% was recorded. It is quite realistic that growth next year will be similar, perhaps even higher.
As for buckwheat, the analyst recalled that almost 1 million hectares were sown with this agricultural crop this year, which is quite a lot and 12% more compared to 2020. Speaking about spring grains, the analyst noted that now there is a progressive increase in the area under corn, this year it amounted to 3.5%. “In 2022, I see no economic grounds for expanding crops, because we have introduced an export duty on this crop. This year, 2.97 million hectares were sown with it, an increase to 3 million hectares is possible. It is unlikely that agricultural producers are interested in this agriculture,” the expert argues.
There has also been an increase in the interest of crop growers in the entire range of legumes, because they are not subject to duty. Now 2 million hectares have been sown with these crops. Perhaps there will be an increase of about 5% (100 thousand hectares). It will be very good.
According to the Ministry of Agriculture, as of December 7, 126.7 million tons of grain were harvested in Russia, of which 79 million tons of wheat, 18.9 million tons of barley, 15.9 million tons of corn, and 1.2 million tons of rice. sugar beet amounted to 40.7 million tons, sunflower - 15.8 million tons, rapeseed - 3 million tons, soybeans - 4.9 million tons. The harvest of potatoes and vegetables in the commodity sector amounted to 6.7 million tons and 5.1 million tons Winter crops for the harvest of 2022 are sown on 18.4 million hectares.